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Tuesday, February 22, 2011


i keep thinking about that waterfall in hamilton.  there is so much beauty in southern, and all of ontario.  i often feel like i'm missing out because i live in the city.  it's generally pretty nice to not [have to] have a car but i miss out on a lot of exploring.  even though there are quite a few nice parks in toronto, you can never escape the fact that you're in a city.  there are clues everywhere: whether it's the sound of sirens, the tops of apartment buildings or the number of people.  it's still metropolitan.  there are definitely perks to living in the city and i enjoy it for now.  opportunity, diversity, shows, restaurants...  but i look forward to being closer to nature again one day.  even my brother and alison's backyard in oakville is a nice escape.  or my parents' condo on the lake.  so i try and remind myself that even without a car, i can still explore.  and that when i'm older i'll look back and remember fondly the time i spent in the city.  and as i said in an earlier post there is always beauty to be found in the city.  this is what i woke up to on monday morning, right outside my window:

in other news: i'm preparing martinkas for my family for march 1st.  this is a tradition that my baba (grandmother) taught me as a young girl.  while i always thought it was an exclusively macedonian tradition, i have learned through my friend wikipedia that other cultures have the same tradition.  but here is how we do it:  on march 1st we all tie a thin handmade bracelet around our wrists.  baba and i used to use red, blue and white embroidery thread.  according to wiki, it's supposed to be red and white (we may have been using blue to use up extra thread that baba had laying around).  white symbolizes winter and purity and red symbolizes passion and life...  you wear the bracelet until you see the first red bird (probably a robin, but it could also be a cardinal) and when you see the bird, not only is there hope for spring, you are to make one wish.  you must remove your martinka and toss it toward the bird as you make your wish.  the bird will use it to help build their nest for the spring and you will have your wish granted in return.  it is such a wonderful tradition that i've carried it on now that she's gone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

~sigh~ i wants one.
