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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ralph waldo emerson

thanks jay for sharing this quote with me.

ralph waldo emerson was a poet/philosopher/lecturer circa the 1800s.  he is best known for leading the transcendentalist movement.  i had never heard of him until reading this quote, and being strongly inspired by it.  i became curious to know more.  according to wikipedia, the core beliefs of transcendentalism can be summarized as such: the belief in an ideal spirituality that "transcends" the physical and empirical and is realized only through the individual's intuition, rather than through the doctrines of established religions.  it sort of sounds like agnosticism to me, but i think i'm going to have to do some more research before i fully understand the concept.  it might start with reading his essay entitled nature.

the other day i remember thinking why do i let work stress me out this much, there is so much more to life. it's a lot easier said than done considering you spend the better part of your weeks there...  so i've been reminding myself of that.  this quote sums everything up nicely and not exclusively the pains of work.  i hope it speaks to you as well.  it's easy to remember the bad parts of the day, and difficult to remember the nice and happy moments, the reason for this remains a mystery to me.


Andrea said...

LOVE the quote! Glad you are seeing the positive side of life.....I need to work on that myself.

mindvinyl said...

Thanks Andrea! ... one day at a time right?